Evergreen shrubs that stand with time
1. Arbovitaes come in numerous shapes and sizes. They like more water than we can often give them in the winter time. Some varieties we sell include Technito which is a great small slow-growing upright for foundation plantings. Little Midget keeps its shape and size. Techny grows wide and tall and has the greatest drought tolerance. Techny will make a good screen quickly.
2. Boxwoods are the best. Plant green velvet for a nice round shape. Plant Green Mountain for a taller variety.
3. Japanese Yew has been a stalwart in the industry for years. Hardy and easily shaped with a little pruning. Varieties include Densiformis, Hicks, Dark Green Spreader and Taunton.
4. Juniper varieties include Mother Lode, Blue Rug, Blue Chip, Andorra Compact and Saybrook Gold. All need full sun and will grow in dry conditions.
5. Juniper uprights include Taylor, Wichita Blue, and Skyrocket.
6. Norway Spruce varieties include Bird’s Nest Spruce, Weeping Norway Spruce, Cupressina, and Dwarf Alberta Spruce.
7. Pine varieties include Mugo Pine, Slowmound Pine, Vanderwolf Pine, and Weeping White Pine.
8. Spruce varieties include Globe Blue Spruce and Bird’s Nest Spruce.